Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Who are you talking to?

"You become WHO you communicate with."

Schroederism #901

Think with me for a minute.

** Who do you muse with most?
** Who do you communicate with?
** WHO are your FIVE closest people you share with

guess what?

Schroederism # 901

"you actually BECOME who you communicate to and with."

When I was little dweeb, a lost little nerr-do-well
plucky pluck debt filled lack minded dork

Back in the day, Fly Boy communicated with people who

* Mocked out American FREE enterprise
* Kinda sorta mocked ME out, too don't'cha know
* I had to comform to THEIR will and their ego (my choice)
* I tried to fit in.(God that made me feel weak)

AFTER I decided to LOSE them and associate with people who were TEN TIMES MY SIZE

People Giants

People who were LARGER MINDS than me

With people who could see OVER Mountains!

After I lost the GUILT of not being JUST like them

After I lost the GUILT of a broke man, eating with the RICH


After I got over myself I became, not much long after that, JUST like those that I was communicating with

CHANGE your "location."

Do it


Do it

CHANGE who you permit yourself ACCESS to


Plus, try this too..




Play the "part"

Admit it.

THIS is a new face for you

admit it

THIS is new skin for you maybe


So look, just play with it.


Love your SELF

JUST PRETEND and ask, "WHO would I be if I acted wealthy, strong and TEN feet tall."



"WHO would I look like?"

"WHAT would self SOUND like if SELF acted COMFORTABLE in the skin of ME?"


Doing GOD makes doing YOU easier.

Fly-Boy is LOVE


Fly Boy is Love


I am love

Together we make people

YOU and me, together, we make new people.






"WHO you exchange WORDS with becomes your coat."

"Who you EXCHANGE words with YOU become."


Super-Mind is Forever

(pass it on!)
PART I Says:
Never hesitate to show me how you loverage.

What you do to me allow me to do to more new Angels.

The Angels prayer into light

"My prosperity prospers OTHERS and THEIR prosperity prospers me."

Now, one more time

"My prosperity prospers OTHERS and THEIR prosperity prospers me."

The Amen series of freedom REVIVAL calls
1-641-594-7000 PIN 60088#
MON + TUES + WED @ 9:27 PM *

Become a part of our Master-Mind

Friday, February 15, 2008

A letter from my friend Joe

Secrets of My Full-Page Ads!

Or ...

“Houdini Marketing Genius and How To Think Before You
Place Ads.”

Joe Schroeder
Copyrights 2008

How do you write ad copy (or even just a simple classified ad) whereby on one piece of paper sits enough sales psychology to fill up a football stadium?

The Thinking Behind The Words
In fact, what is on that piece of paper, posing as an advertisement, was so much sales psychology that it induced 100’s of people to send you money?

Or, to be more “professional,” to buy whatever it was you were selling. How would that work?

I Think For The Reader
How do you write in such a way that the people would not only believe what you were saying, but they would believe you to such an extreme level, that they would actually get excited enough to send you their MONEY?

How do you do that? What would you say?

It’s called “Cognitive Intuition”
How do you “write” ad copy in such a way that is actually induces absolute strangers, who are mesmerized by the words you write, to buy whatever you are selling?

Well, believe this:

30 Million and Growing
I have written ad copy now for six years professionally. And these “little strips” of paper have been the catalyst in moving over $30,000,000 dollars of goods and services.

Yes. There is a formula.

Now listen up. Because this is important. What follows is a very brief four pages of HOW people are CODED.

The Genetic Code
Yes, I am saying that we are all CODED genetically the same way. So much so in fact, that once you know the formula of the "genetic code," you will virtually know how to write in such a way that people’s reactions to what you will write are PREDICTABLE!

What I am saying is that people are predictable. But enough "talk." Let me prove to you what I mean. From my course, "The Cash Flow Recruiting Machine!"

All humans are genetically coded the same way.

This we know for sure about people:

People are drawn to blood and decay faster than they are good news.

I Am Negative
The headlines in my ads are negative. Show people a negative and they seek to survive the negative by learning about it. People study my ads like they do the six O’clock news. Why? To avoid
MORE PAIN possibly tomorrow!

"Where’s the beef?" That was a negative ad from Wendy’s.

"Don’t leave home without it!" the AMEX TV commercials are totally negative. They show people having a HARD TIME when they lose their luggage and clothes when they travel. But, if you have American Express (solution) you are saved!

Have you ever noticed how cars on the highway will come to a stop just to see dead people that have crashed their cars? Perverse for sure.
It’s also how people are. Isn’t it?

The first column on the left of each of my ads always gets the reader to nod their heads and say, "this guy Joe is talking about me". I accomplish that by being the reader.

When you look at the left column of my full page ads notice how I am identifying with every Networkers worst dreams. Things I KNOW they have felt before. About recruiting in MLM.

When you watch the SOPRANOS on HBO (you Do watch that don’t you!) have you ever wondered what they "big deal" is and why everyone in America is ga-ga over this "Mafia" TV show?

Here’s one answer. It has to do with RAPPORT.

The appeal is that when you watch the SOPRANOS you are watching yourself.

Can People Relate To a Sociopath?
We all are like Tony (the lead and also a killer). And the appeal is how "normal" Tony is. He is an "everyman." He is also a murderer. And as people watch it they subconsciously get a thrill by being so much like someone they are so opposite of.

In your ads, if the reader can not relate to you or what you are selling they won’t trade their money with you. Watch the SOPRANOS to see what I mean. Sundays @ 9.

People will do more to avoid pain than they will to gain pleasure.

Based on this fact about people I do NOT advertise pleasure. Thus, I do NOT advertise MLM products or highlights any MLM company.

Because I know the genetic code of people, I gain their attention by identifying and highlighting their pain.

Survival Mechanism
Thus, because I write about better SURVIVAL techniques in MLM, readers will STUDY my ad copy before they will read traditional "company" (vanity) advertising. Based on people’s preconditioned disposition, (they avoid pain) people have NO CHOICE but to read my ads. Because we are built to avoid pain and discomfort.

Any good ad solves a problem and HIGHLIGHTS the anguish and pain the reader is presently experiencing. Read the left column of my "bag ad" again. The left column is all rapport building and about shared anguish.

People will avoid humiliation and rejection at almost any cost.

I Sell Solutions:
My job is easy because I sell SOLUTIONS. The middle column of all of my full page ads shows the SOLUTION to whatever pain I identified on the far left column. Thus, if what I am selling will erase people’s predictable.

Embarrassment or perceived anguish (ever try enrolling someone for instance?) people tend to give me money in their own attempt to SOLVE THEIR ANGUISH.

People buy through emotional impulse before they begin to sort information logically.

Marketing Hypnotism
It’s easier to tap into people’s subconscious when they hear your voice but they can not see the face who is speaking.

That’s is WHY all hypnotist and Doctors ask you to CLOSE your eyes from time to time. Listening to someone’s VOICE (just their voice) can by very hypnotic. Which gives the speaker (me) a chance to sell and re-sell and re-sell the person.

Lesson: I always list a 24 hour recorded message in my ads:

Sensory Acuity
I do this to take people who read my ads from VISUAL to AUDIBLE. These voice-mail Tel-a-seminars introduce an alternate way for them to grasp my message and to feel the offer.

People hate to be wrong.

This is why I use additional links of information in my ad copy. Such as my web-site or a fax-on-demand or my Tel-a-seminars. I do this because I know people. And people can not RESIST the temptation to

"challenge" their own belief in what they just read (remember, people HATE to be wrong), so they will go through all of the INFORMATION ports for one reason.

TO VALIDATE themselves. Plus, before people send me money from the ads that I place they feel COMPELLED to hear my VOICE and to see how I sound and to see if they have made a WRONG decision.

Not only that, but by adding a QUICK LINK (fax-on-demand, voice-mail and web site) system to ANY of your ads, you take the reader into multiple sensory perceptions (sight, sound and touch) regarding your sales message and (USP) your unique selling proposition.

Bind someone emotionally and give them ownership and they almost can never give it back.

When you hear my Tel-a-seminars (15-30 recorded Tel-a-seminars) I do NOT sell anybody. Instead, I induce OWNERSHIP by teaching and exposing what I know.

What this does is give OWNERSHIP to the listener.

So when you hear and then you learn parts of my system via the recorded (sales pitch) Tel-a-seminar people THINK to themselves, "I have to buy Joe’s system so I can USE what Joe just gave (taught) me."

Plus, when you GIVE VALUE people will usually feel compelled (law of reciprocity) to buy from you AFTER you give them value and teach them USEABLE information.

HOPE this is CHANGING your world, (and how you market!)

Your Friend,

Joe Schroeder