What is the hurry in network marketing/mlm? Why are we usually taught when we come in to go so fast and only talk to prospects for a short period of time? Sure, I can understand that there are those that are certainly not worth the 30 seconds we give them, but what about the rest?
Don't those who are looking for a home business deserve our time? I know what many are saying. I need the bonus commissions or what have you now. Don't you agree that the more time that your prospects have to learn about you and your business, the better off you will be. If we let them take their time and feed them knowledge and learning, I think we'd have better prospects and potential business leaders.
We all want to make money in this industry and help change lives, but speed is the wrong way. Do you think any of the largest and wealthiest companies in the world work like what we are taught? Let's take my favorite bookstore, Barnes and Noble, for example. Do they have someone standing in the door waiting for you to come in and help you get what you want and get you out the door as fast as they can? NO! They have coffee shops, tables and chairs, sofas everywhere so that you will take your time looking for what you want. Maybe you'll find more than you were looking for, thumb through it on a sofa and buy more than you originally planned. Genius, isn't it? Think about it the next time you go there.
So, I say, take your business and slow it down. As my mentor, Joe Schroeder, says, "To go fast in your business, go slow. To go slow, go fast." Think about it.
Until next time, slow it down and I wish you the greatest of success. You deserve it.
To learn more from my mentor, call 1-800-772-9781 ext. 40. You'd better be seated.
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Monday, January 28, 2008
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