Monday, May 19, 2008

What the heck are you waiting for?

A Confesstion....of sorts.

So what do I mean by this title?

What is it that you are trying to accomplish in life? Have you ever set a goal, yet you never actually achieved that goal? Have you ever wondered why?

I could be a couple of things that kept you from reaching your goal.

1. Your subconscious mind was working against you.
2. You were being too patient.

Let's take a look at the latter for a moment.

Is patience interrupting or keeping you from what you want? It has me and this is where I confess that I have been too patient in my life and I'm mad as hell.

They teach us that patience is a virtue. I can agree with this to a certain point. I will no longer be patient when it comes to my desires. I want time freedom. I want financial freedom. I want to be able to help others when I want to.

No more waiting games. No more being patient because the people will come to you for business. They will as long as I'm doing what I'm suppposed to be doing.

Yes, I know it takes time to build a successful home business and reach the kind of income I desire, but I'm not going to be patient anymore.

Think about the things in your life. Is patience getting in the way of what your desires are?

Have you been "patiently" waiting for your treasures to appear? I know that I have.


I'm mad and will no longer allow patience to interrupt my treasures.

Be responsible and give yourself permission to stop being patient.

Do it and do it now!

Until next time.

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