Friday, May 30, 2008

Are You Using Your Delete Button?

Boy, I really like that title!

And no, I'm not talking about the delete button on your keyboard or your emails.

I'm talking about the delete button in your HEAD.

Okay, now you're wondering what I'm talking about. I've lost you.

No, think about it like this.

Mindset is a really big topic of discussion these days. It should be. It's very important to the success of your daily life. You've got many books out there like "Think and Grow Rich", "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind", "SuperMind" and many, many others.

If you don't have the right mindset, then it's hard to succeed at anything. You've heard the old saying, "Garbage in, garbage out."

It's not necessarily all about what goes in. It really depends on what you do with it when it goes in.

For many people, we were always told as children or we tell our own kids, you can't do this or you can't do that. You can't have this or you can't have that. Think about whether you've been told this or tell this to others. This could set up youngsters for future turmoil.

What if we teach them and ourselves that when we hear other people speak negatively to us or about us, that we not dwell on it. DELETE it!

What if we learn to take things that go into our mind that we know is not congruent with our beliefs or our goals, DELETE it.

Yes, I agree, that this won't be easy to begin with. If you focus on what you and others are putting into your mind and take those things that you know are harmful and hit that big DELETE button in your mind.

Remember, continuously put in good thoughts. Continue to learn new things. Be positive to yourself and others. If you lift up someone else, you lift up yourself. If you believe in someone else, you believe in yourself.

As you go through this weekend and this long summer season, be safe and remember to hit that DELETE button in your mind.

Monday, May 19, 2008

What the heck are you waiting for?

A Confesstion....of sorts.

So what do I mean by this title?

What is it that you are trying to accomplish in life? Have you ever set a goal, yet you never actually achieved that goal? Have you ever wondered why?

I could be a couple of things that kept you from reaching your goal.

1. Your subconscious mind was working against you.
2. You were being too patient.

Let's take a look at the latter for a moment.

Is patience interrupting or keeping you from what you want? It has me and this is where I confess that I have been too patient in my life and I'm mad as hell.

They teach us that patience is a virtue. I can agree with this to a certain point. I will no longer be patient when it comes to my desires. I want time freedom. I want financial freedom. I want to be able to help others when I want to.

No more waiting games. No more being patient because the people will come to you for business. They will as long as I'm doing what I'm suppposed to be doing.

Yes, I know it takes time to build a successful home business and reach the kind of income I desire, but I'm not going to be patient anymore.

Think about the things in your life. Is patience getting in the way of what your desires are?

Have you been "patiently" waiting for your treasures to appear? I know that I have.


I'm mad and will no longer allow patience to interrupt my treasures.

Be responsible and give yourself permission to stop being patient.

Do it and do it now!

Until next time.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dinky little $67 gets you piece of $497 Super-Mind course

If you've ever read The Power of the Subconscious Mind or Think and Grow Rich, but have the darndest time understanding it...

Then, you need to take advantage of this special deal.
The SUBCONSCIOUS MIND program, Super-Mind is $497

affiliate re-sellers earn $400 per

sell 10 and earn $4,000

earn $400 PER SALE on $497 SUBCONSCIOUS MIND program

It's a 98 page manual + double audio CD album

HOWEVER, today through WED may 14, only $67

No, we will not send the ENTIRE program

No, we didn't CUT our price.

What I am trying to do is send to your home the ADVANCE PACKAGE

100% money-back and TWO months and 60 days to TEST the SUPER-MIND system out.

Pay-Pal me just $67

RECIEVE the book, The Abyss to MONEY
Recieve the SAMPLE chapter #6 from SUPER-MIND


LEARN why MIND MAPPING doesn't work
LEARN why reading 500 self-help books doesn't work
Learn how to discipline your BODY through your MIND
The author, Mr. XUSED this SUPER-MIND technqiue to
* Turn his annual income income into a MONTHLY income
* Turn procrastination into ABUNDANCE
* He reversed his $40,000 in DEBT to a MONTHLY $40K income
* From ten time MLM loser to an active downline of 4K plus

I ask you NOT to trust this program
I Do Not Seek Your Trust In Super-Mind
I have no RIGHTI have to right to assume you will USE this method

I haven't the dumb brain to insist either

all I ask is for your TRIAL 60 days or your MONEY BACK

One time $67 bucks

I only ask that you USE this technqiue for TWO MONTHS

Just sample, use and TEST the system 100% money-back

You can order the complete $497 Super-Mind LATER

You can decide LATER

You can buy everything later

For now I am simply being a friend, LIFTING the proverbial gate and letting my FRIENDS sample this for a one-time $67

if this gets REJECTED by you
1: Throw everything out
2: DO NOT return anything
3: e-mail me for a NO hassles immediate $67 REFUND

The truth in lending clause here it is (fine-print) ----save this PART

1: I am LENDING this to you for $67
2: I make NO promises this will work for you
3: NOT everyone is READY for this
4: MOST won't use the SYSTEM on pages 5-6-7-8-9-
5: Therefore, I PROMISE "success" to no one

Some have USED this for Millons, most have not
Some have used SUPER-MIND to TILT their worlds, most will not



PUT me on TRIAL + TEST this for 60 days = ZERO RISK
JUST TEST and USE the system


If you will FAITH SEED to me $67 I will do my doggone level best to BLESS riches into your WEALTH



Please PRESS your faith NOW

not in me






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Just a dinky $67



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