Monday, January 28, 2008

What's The Hurry?

What is the hurry in network marketing/mlm? Why are we usually taught when we come in to go so fast and only talk to prospects for a short period of time? Sure, I can understand that there are those that are certainly not worth the 30 seconds we give them, but what about the rest?

Don't those who are looking for a home business deserve our time? I know what many are saying. I need the bonus commissions or what have you now. Don't you agree that the more time that your prospects have to learn about you and your business, the better off you will be. If we let them take their time and feed them knowledge and learning, I think we'd have better prospects and potential business leaders.

We all want to make money in this industry and help change lives, but speed is the wrong way. Do you think any of the largest and wealthiest companies in the world work like what we are taught? Let's take my favorite bookstore, Barnes and Noble, for example. Do they have someone standing in the door waiting for you to come in and help you get what you want and get you out the door as fast as they can? NO! They have coffee shops, tables and chairs, sofas everywhere so that you will take your time looking for what you want. Maybe you'll find more than you were looking for, thumb through it on a sofa and buy more than you originally planned. Genius, isn't it? Think about it the next time you go there.

So, I say, take your business and slow it down. As my mentor, Joe Schroeder, says, "To go fast in your business, go slow. To go slow, go fast." Think about it.

Until next time, slow it down and I wish you the greatest of success. You deserve it.

To learn more from my mentor, call 1-800-772-9781 ext. 40. You'd better be seated.
Join our Million Mind March training calls: Monday - Thursday 9:27pm EST 1-641-594-7000 600088#

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Have You Been Branded?

Isn't that an interesting title? Have you been branded? Well, have you? Do you even have a clue what I am talking about? Let's discuss this for a moment.

Are you currently involved in network marketing, mlm, direct sales, etc.? What company do you promote? Ah, that's it, what company do you promote? You see if you're like me, I've been involved with network marketing for over 7 years. I was taught the same thing that many of you were. That is to promote and sell the products or the company. That's how you make the money.

This is where the difference between branded and branding comes in. You see, when you walk into a McDonalds' or any restaurant or most anywhere for that matter, what is the first thing you hear? Welcome to .... how can I help you? Right? By doing this, the company is taking their nice hot iron and poking you with it and saying, gotcha now, you've been branded. Pretty much like animals are.

Are you branded or branding? I know from personal experience that I used to be branded. That's right, used to be. I've always promoted company and products first, not me. Yes, I have the t-shirts, polo shirts, jackets, folders, pens, etc. of my company and I love all that stuff. It wasn't until I got involved with the Million Mind March did I realize that I was branded.

How could people join me in my business if I didn't believe in or brand me? If people know you, trust you and like you, then they will join you in whatever you do. The key is that you have to promote yourself. You have to believe that you are a leader that people are looking for. If your prospects were to do a Google search for you, what would they find. Think about it, try it.

Think of some of the biggest names in the network marketing industry. If I gave you one of their names you would probably be able to tell me what company that they are associated with because they have been branding themselves all along.

Those of us involved in this great industry all want success. Are you there yet? I know that I am working on it everyday like most of you. I now know that I have to be branding me. If people see that you are the leader that they've been looking for, then it won't matter too much what company you're with. Think again back to the biggest names in the industry. If you heard that so and so big name was leaving XYZ company to go to ABC company, what would his people do? Most of them would more than likely follow him because he has been branding himself as the leader that people should follow. Happens everyday.

I've gone on long enough, but I hope that you will take what I've put before you and think about it. Are you branding you or are you branded by your company? I look forward to bringing you more insight for you to apply to your business.

Remember, you're the greatest,


Learn more by joining our calls Monday - Thursday @ 9:27pm EST 1-641-594-7000 600088#

Sunday, January 20, 2008

What is Your Business?

Interesting question isn't it? Maybe you have a home business, own a franchise, you're an internet marketer, you're just an employee working a job. This questions applies to all who earn an income. What is your business?

I know what you're probably thinking. I sell nutritionals, information, stocks, real estate, etc. The list could go on forever, but is this your business. Think about it real hard, I had to when I was first asked about it.

Still thinking? If you are in a true business of any kind and you take pride in what you do, then your real business is people. That's right, people. Think about it for a minute. Without people would you even have a business? Probably not. How do others become wealthy? People.

Are you succeeding in your business or do you want more success in your business? Then take your focus off of your "stuff" and put the focus where it should be, on the people. Do an experiment this week and focus more on people then on what you sell and see what happens at the end of the week. Focus on helping them, aiding them, or just pointing them in the right direction.

How do you think your customers or prospects would feel if you would point them in the right direction, even if it's not with you. Do you think they would trust you a little more and remember the experience? Who knows, maybe they would even come back to you if they have a bad experience somewhere else.

That's your assignment for the week - focus on people. See how it affects not only your business, but you. Let me know how things worked out for you. I know you'll be surprised at the results. You deserve the best, but you must also give the best.

Until next time,


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's 2008! Are You Ready?

Welcome to the year 2008! You made it one more year and this will be your best year yet. This year you will build a foundation of success that will last a lifetime and beyond. This is the time for you to lay the groundwork for leaving your legacy.

Are you ready to take action? I'm ready to take you and give you what you need to help your success show up. So how did your 2007 end? I hope on a great note, but now it's time to go to work. What are you going to do this day, week, month, year that will be different? Do you even want your life to be different or do you want to continue struggling to get by or having more month at the end of your money? Not me. I deserve more, my family deserves more and YOU deserve more.

If you are already involved in network marketing/mlm and haven't had the success that you desire or you have not yet found a company to get started with, then you need to learn the way the successful do it. I am part of a community of like-minded entrepreneurs who are learning that there is a better way to make money in this industry or any industry for that matter. How would you like to learn how to make money in your business the same way Oprah, Michael Jordan, HBO, Verizon Wireless, etc. make money in theirs?

Want to know more, then I have some free goodies to give you so that you can learn more. We have nightly calls, Monday through Thursday and you will get more from these free training calls then you might pay for from other sources. Visit my website or get back to me to get the free stuff that I have for you.

This is the start of the new year and a new year. If you desire more, then you have to be more. You must be a resource to others as I am learning to do. I know this will be the best year of my life. How about you? Whether you decide to take a look or not, just think about what you are going to do this year to make it different from all the rest.

Until next time. Thank you, thank you.